Пепел на Камчатке: Борьба с последствиями извержения Шивелуча

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Пепел на Камчатке: Борьба с последствиями извержения Шивелуча

Buildings in the settlements of Klyuchi, Mayskoe and Kozyrevsk in the Ust-Kamchatka region of Kamchatka were covered with ash because of the wind and are being washed away. This is reported on the website of the regional government.

In April 2021 Kamchatka faced the strongest ash fall for the last 60 years. Volcano Shiveluch erupted and the ash cloud reached 20 km above sea level. As a result, the villages of Klyuchi, Mayskoe and Kozyrevsk in the Ust-Kamchatka region were covered with ash, and the ash cloud spread more than 500 km to the northwest of the volcano.

The struggle with the consequences of the ashfall is still ongoing. Settlement buildings have to be washed over and over again because of the wind that picks up ash. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all methodology that can help solve this problem. Therefore, regional authorities are increasing their forces, the number of people and equipment to deal with the ash.

In addition, enterprises have also joined in eliminating the consequences of the ashfall. For example, Kamchatenergo is flushing overhead power lines to avoid short circuits and accidents.

As a result of the ashfall, up to 20 cm of ash fell in Klyuchi, which was a record amount for the last 60 years. Ashfalls also occurred in the settlement of Mayskoye and in Kozyrevsk. Because of this, a state of emergency was imposed on the territory of the Ust-Kamchatka District.

Historically, Kamchatka is one of the most seismically active regions of Russia. There are about 300 volcanoes on its territory out of which 30 are active. Shiveluch volcano is one of the most active in Kamchatka and erupts periodically.

The ash that falls from the volcano can be dangerous to human and animal health. It contains toxic substances that can cause various respiratory diseases. Therefore, authorities recommend the population not to go outside unnecessarily during the ash fall and to wear masks.

In general, the eruption of volcano Shiveluch in Kamchatka is a reminder of how much nature can affect people’s lives. Dealing with the aftermath of the ashfall requires considerable effort and resources, but regional authorities and businesses are up to the challenge.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/ashes-in-kamchatka-combating.html

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