Южная Корея изымает тысячи таблеток, содержащих "порошкообразную плоть мертвых младенцев

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Южная Корея изымает тысячи таблеток, содержащих "порошкообразную плоть мертвых младенцев

South Korean authorities have seized thousands of pills containing the powdered flesh of fetuses and babies that were smuggled in to be used as vitality boosters and Viagara-style performance enhancers, according to multiple reports.

Despite Korea’s crackdown on the smuggling of capsules from China containing the powdered flesh of dead babies, attempts to smuggle the infant flesh capsules’ into Korea are still continuing.

“Supposedly, the television team paid a lot of money to get some of the pills, and when they tested them, found the pills’ contents were 99.7 percent human, and were also able to discern the babies’ gender from the powder, as well as found hair and nail remnants,” reads Geekosystem’s report on the documentary, which notes that the babies are “mostly” stillbirths and abortions.

According to the Statesman, the “bodies of babies are chopped into small pieces and dried on stoves before being turned into powder.” 

The gruesome pills, made with stillborn fetuses or placenta, are believed by some to be a performance-enhancement pill that helps increase vitality and sex drive.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s (MFDS) 2013 analysis of human flesh pills found a large number of contaminated bacteria and hepatitis viruses.

“Some people take infant flesh capsules for health, but this not only violates social dignity and customs, but as shown in the experimental results, it is illegally manufactured and exposed to the risk of contamination with harmful substances such as microorganisms and hepatitis virus,” the ministry’s investigation team had said in the past.

Meanwhile, an official from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s criminal investigation unit refused to comment the issue, citing the ongoing investigation.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/south-korea-seizes-thousands-of-pills.html

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