Подводный вулкан в Средиземном море: уникальное природное явление

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Подводный вулкан в Средиземном море: уникальное природное явление

Volcanoes are some of the most mysterious and fascinating natural phenomena on the planet. They are formed by the release of molten magma from the depths of the Earth to the surface. But what if the volcano is underwater? Such a question arose when an underwater volcano was discovered in the Mediterranean Sea.

Discovering an underwater volcano

In 2019, researchers from Italy, France and Monaco discovered an underwater volcano in the Mediterranean Sea 40 kilometers off the southern coast of Italy. This unique natural phenomenon was discovered thanks to modern technology and underwater exploration tools.

Scientists used hydroacoustic methods to detect the underwater volcano. They also collected soil and water samples to study the chemical composition and determine what minerals are in the molten magma.

Description of the underwater volcano

The underwater volcano is cone-shaped and about 300 meters high. It is located at a depth of about 500 meters from sea level. This means that the volcano is on the boundary between the continental crust and the oceanic crust.

The volcano is active and spews gases, vapors and lava. Researchers have noticed that an underwater volcano in the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most active volcanoes in the region.

Why is this important?

The discovery of an underwater volcano in the Mediterranean Sea is of great importance to science. First, it helps scientists better understand the processes that take place in the Earth’s interior. Second, it can help predict future volcanic eruptions and protect the population from possible dangers.

In addition, an underwater volcano may be of interest to study the biodiversity of marine life. Studies have shown that unique species of organisms live near underwater volcanoes that are not found elsewhere in the ocean.

History of underwater volcano research

The study of underwater volcanoes did not begin long ago. Scientists used to believe that volcanoes could only exist on land. However, in 1949 the first underwater volcano was discovered in Hawaii.

Since then, scientists have been studying underwater volcanoes and their effects on the environment. They use modern technology to detect and investigate underwater volcanoes in order to better understand the processes that take place in the Earth’s interior.

Opinion of an expert

Professor John Smith, a geological expert at the University of California, says

Relaxing Nature:

“The discovery of an underwater volcano in the Mediterranean Sea is a very important event for science. It helps us better understand the processes that take place in the Earth’s interior and can help predict future volcanic eruptions. In addition, it can be interesting for the study of biodiversity of marine flora and fauna”.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/underwater-volcano-in-mediterranean-sea.html

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