Почти миллион человек в Великобритании не могут говорить по-английски

Мировые новости: Почти миллион человек в Великобритании не могут говорить по-английски

After decades of mass migration policies, almost one million people speak little or no English in Britain, raising concerns about the integration of migrants.

Data from the UK Statistics Authority found that one in ten migrants in England are unable or can barely speak English.

The startling figures have sparked demands for stricter integration requirements.

Breitbart reports: The statistics, disclosed by the formerly governing Tory party, showed that 8.6 per cent of migrants over the age of 16 “cannot speak English well”. A further 1.4 per cent, or 137, 876 cannot speak the language at all, The Sun reported.

According to the report, just over half of migrants above 16 (51.6 per cent) said that English was their primary language, while 38.4 per cent claimed to be able to speak it well.

The data was gathered during the last census in 2021, likely indicating that the current number of people without English literacy in the country is much higher in reality, given the record waves of migrants which have come to the UK in the years since the census.

Indeed, net migration hit 872,000 in 2022 and 866,000 the following year, despite promises from the former “Conservative” government that they would cut immigration following Brexit.

In addition to the detrimental impacts on social cohesion of large swaths of the population being unable to communicate in the country’s mother tongue, mass migration has also placed a heavy strain on social services in Britain.

British political scientist Matt Goodwin, who was previously a critic of populist anti-mass migration movements before apparently deciding that may have been right all along, noted that some parts of England have exhausted nearly all of their socially provided housing to foreigners.

Citing census data, Goodwin pointed to areas such as St Matthews and Highfields in Leicester, in which over 80 per cent of people living in government housing were born abroad, mostly Muslims from the Middle East of South Asia.

Over four in ten in the area live in households with no adults who speak English as their main language.

In comments provided to Breitbart London, Reform UK Deputy Leader Richard Tice MP said of the language statistics: “After 14 years of total Tory failure on immigration, the chickens have come home to roost.

“Opening the floodgates to millions of new people has made integration into the British way of life almost impossible, and these statistics are testament to that.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2025/03/almost-one-million-people-in-uk-cant.html

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