Доктор Роберт Мэлоун рассказывает о 30-тысячном митинге против инъекций репликона в Японии: "Они называют это третьей атомной бомбой".

Мировые новости: Доктор Роберт Мэлоун рассказывает о 30-тысячном митинге против инъекций репликона в Японии: "Они называют это третьей атомной бомбой".

Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone recounted a rally against self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) vaccines that happened during his recent trip to Japan.

He shared the details of the rally during the "Rescue the Republic" event, held on Sept. 29 in the District of Columbia. According to Malone, the aforementioned gathering in the Land of the Rising Sun saw 30,000 people speak out against sa-mRNA or replicon injections.

"I just came back from Tokyo where they had a 30,000-person rally because they're about to deploy self-replicating RNA vaccines. Japan is being used as the guinea pigs for the world for this new technology. The Japanese people are calling this the third atomic bomb," Malone told attendees of the Washington, D.C. event. 

Malone said the replicon vaccine named ARCT-154, ostensibly for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), was the product of the collaboration between three companies – San Diego-based Arcturus Therapeutics, Melbourne-based CSL and Tokyo-based Meiji Seika Pharma (MSP).

The sa-mRNA COVID-19 injection developed by Arcturus and CSL and distributed by MSP – the two firms' exclusive Japanese partner – received approval from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare last November.

"[The November 2023] approval marks a historic and exciting milestone as the first sa-mRNA vaccine in the world to be registered, and supports CSL's promise to protect global health," Dr. Jonathan Edelman, CSL senior vice president for vaccines innovation, said in a statement. "We are committed to working with health authorities around the world to ensure this important vaccine technology will be available to people at risk for COVID-19."

Meanwhile, Arcturus CEO Joseph Payne said: "This approval for the sa-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is a major achievement. We are excited to embark on future endeavors that utilize our innovative sa-mRNA vaccine platform alongside our global exclusive partner, CSL."

Malone: MSP CEO threatens to go after critics of replicon injections

Malone continued by sharing that the CEO of MSP threatened to go after those critical of the so-called replicon vaccine, even though the Japanese drug maker has no idea about the extent to which its mRNA COVID-19 injection will replicate.

He said: "Now the CEO of the Japanese company recently gave a press conference. What did he say? He said anybody that is spreading misinformation, we're going to go after [them] legally, we're going to try to have them jailed if [the critics] say anything against their [sa-mRNA] vaccine technology that's never been rigorously tested.

"We don’t know if it's going to infect other people. We don’t know if it's going to spread. We know its going to replicate. We don't know if it's going to get into the brain of the elders in Japan. But we do know that if we say anything about these concerns, the CEO is going to come after us and try to put us in jail. That's the new world order. That’s what we're coming into. That’s what they want to implement on us.

"They want to shut us down. They want to prevent us from speaking. They want to completely control the narrative and they want to be able to deploy psychological warfare on all of you to control you, to train you, to respond to the fear narratives about avian influenza and monkeypox and whatever it is they want to deploy next in order to control you, in order to teach you to shut up, sit down, stay in your homes, and do what you're told.

"Now I'm not OK with that, I don't think you're OK with that and I hope that you join all of us in fighting this new tyranny."

Watch this video warning against the sa-mRNA COVID-19 replicon vaccine set to be deployed in Japan.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/10/dr-robert-malone-recounts-30000-strong.html

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