Подросток прыгает с шестого этажа, спасаясь от ливанского насильника в Гамбурге

Мировые новости: Подросток прыгает с шестого этажа, спасаясь от ливанского насильника в Гамбурге

In a desperate attempt to escape from the hands of her rapist, a young woman jumped from the sixth floor of a high-rise building in the Wilhelmsburg district of Hamburg, sustaining severe injuries.

Image Credit: picture alliance / Contributor / Getty 

The attack occurred in the early hours of Saturday, Jan. 18 on Korallusstrasse in the German port city.

Residents reported hearing desperate cries for help from the communal space in front of a large block of apartment buildings. Peering over their balconies, they discovered the severely injured 18-year-old woman and called the emergency services.

First responders transported the victim to the hospital where she continues to receive medical treatment.

As reported by Bild, the young woman had met her attacker on the high-rise estate. He has been identified as Hamsa M., an 18-year-old Lebanese national.

It is unknown whether the suspect was initially invited into the apartment or entered with force.

German media released a photograph of the alleged attacker.

The assailant is accused of threatening and raping the 18-year-old inside the victim’s apartment, causing the young woman in an act of panic to climb over the balcony and jump approximately 20 meters to the ground below.

An acquaintance of the suspect told German media that he appeared to be a “totally normal guy” but often showed problematic and aggressive behavior toward women, particularly when they rejected his advances.

It is understood that after the initial attack, Hamsa M. targeted a second victim, a 14-year-old girl. After allegedly abusing her and robbing her in the stairwell of the same apartment block, the suspect fled, allowing the schoolgirl to seek help from a passerby who notified the police.

A manhunt was subsequently launched for the perpetrator and Hamsa M. was arrested the following day at the nearby apartment he shares with his parents and siblings.

A search of the suspect’s apartment reportedly uncovered substantial evidence related to both crimes.

The Lebanese national remains in police custody and investigations continue.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2025/01/een-jumps-from-sixth-floor-to-escape.html

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