Польский народ любит меня, а я люблю польский народ", - воскликнул Трамп в интервью польскому телеканалу

Мировые новости: Польский народ любит меня, а я люблю польский народ", - воскликнул Трамп в интервью польскому телеканалу

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump meets with Poland's President Andrzej Duda at Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan in New York on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

After a meeting with Polish Americans, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump sat down for an interview with TV Republika at Trump Tower.

Asked what his message is to the Polish population in the U.S. Trump replied: “Well, I love the Polish people. As you know, I was in Warsaw and made a speech. And the relationship with Polish people has just been extraordinary,” adding that he hopes they vote for him on Nov. 5 “because the other side does not like the Polish people. They don’t like religion. They don’t like anything.”

Trump went on to say that he “shares their values” and that he hopes he will get all the votes from Poles in the U.S.

The interviewer asked about Kamala Harris’ recent suggestion that Trump would abandon the Polish people if elected, noting his many pro-Polish actions in the past, including selling modern weapons to the Polish military, deploying U.S. troops to Poland, and stopping Nord Stream 2. 

“Well, there’s nobody that’s ever done more for the Polish people than I have. And as you know, she (Kamala) is a liar. What they do is they go into a community, and (say) ‘Trump doesn’t like you,’” he replied, adding: “The Polish people love me, and I love the Polish people.” 

The former president called Kamla Harris a  “low IQ person,” elaborating that “if we gave her an IQ test right now, she would get a very low score.”

Asked about his “drill baby drill” policy and going after Putin’s use of Russian energy as blackmail, Trump said, “As you know, I closed Nord Stream 2, I closed it. It was done. When Biden came in, he immediately let them build it, but it was done. It was never going to be built. And I had it absolutely closed with Putin. It was done. And they opened it, and they gave Russia all this money to go fight wars or do whatever they want.”

Commenting further on “drill baby drill,” Trump said: “We’re going to drill for oil. We’re going to cut people’s energy prices within a 12-month period from Jan 20 by half, 50 percent, 50. They’re going to get a reduction in their energy prices for cars and air conditioners and heaters. Every form of energy is going to be cut 50 percent, all of their energy bills totaled, and nobody else would be able to do that. And I’m going to do it easily.” 

The Republican candidate noted that energy is a big part of his platform and that if he can do more, he will before turning back to the war in Ukraine. 

“There’s no president that’s been better to the Polish people, and that includes with Russia. Look, we wouldn’t have a war right now if I were president. This was done because we have incompetent leadership in the United States. There was no way that that war with Ukraine would be happening, and that threatens Poland because, as the expression goes, you’re next. And you can’t have that. There would have been no next. There would never have been a war.”

He then called the “broken, flattened” Ukraine a ”shame,” adding that even a Democrat congressman had admitted on TV that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine had Trump been in power. 

On his relationship with Polish President Duda, Trump said “he’s a very good man, great guy. He’s a friend of mine,” telling the interviewer that the two had just recently had dinner. He also said Duda is right when he says NATO members should allocate 3 percent of their GDP to military spending, calling the current 2 percent “the bargain of the century.” 

He also indicated that when he previously served as president, he got non-paying members to pay up. “If I weren’t here, NATO wouldn’t be here right now. So it’s very important for Poland, and a lot of things are important for Poland, and I’m going to take care of the Polish people, I always have,” he said. 

Touching on gender ideology, Trump said, “this is these maniacs that I’m running against,” adding that “if you vote for Trump, it’s all going to disappear. We’re going to be back to normal, we’re going to be back to what it should be. We’re going to be back to what God wanted, but we’re going to be back to what everybody wants. We’re going to be back to common sense because we don’t have common sense.”

Trump quickly mentioned the fact that Harris should not even be the candidate, and Biden got his candidacy taken away from him “like you take candy from a baby” to put a “Marxist” in his place. 

“I’m leading in every swing state. I’m leading all over,” Trump closed the interview, adding that the other side “cheats like hell in the elections (…) and we have to stop the cheating.”

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/10/the-polish-people-love-me-and-i-love.html

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