Венгрия отправит мигрантов в Брюссель после того, как ЕС оштрафует ее за противодействие нелегальной иммиграции

Мировые новости: Венгрия отправит мигрантов в Брюссель после того, как ЕС оштрафует ее за противодействие нелегальной иммиграции

The Hungarian government say they are planning to bus migrants to Brussels in retaliation for the EU fining them 200 million euros for refusing to open up its border to asylum seekers.

The Hungarian Ministry of Interior’s Secretary of State Bence Rétvári accused the EU of trying to force Hungary to admit illegal migrants during a press conference on Friday.

Rétvári said “If the European Union, Brussels, wants to force Hungary to admit illegal migrants, whom we have stopped at the border countless times, then after completing the procedure, we will offer them a free one-way ticket to Brussels”.

“If Brussels wants illegal migrants, Brussels can have them,” he added.

InfoWars reports: Retvari’s announcement took place with a backdrop of buses displaying the route “Röszke-Brussels,” a route that would take migrants from Hungary’s southern border with Serbia to the EU headquarters in Belgium.

The move comes in response to a June ruling by the European Court of Justice ordering Hungary to pay a fine of 200 million euros ($216 million) for persistently breaking the bloc’s asylum rules, and an additional 1 million euros per day until it aligns its policies with EU law.

If the government in Budapest does not pay within two weeks, the money will be deducted from EU funds. 

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had slammed the ruling as “outrageous and unacceptable.”

“It seems that illegal migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens,” he wrote on X.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/09/hungary-to-bus-migrants-to-brussels.html

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