Вице-президент компании Pfizer заявил: "Вирусов не существует

Мировые новости: Вице-президент компании Pfizer заявил: "Вирусов не существует

The global elite used the pharmaceutical industry to carry out the most brazen crime against humanity in history, according to former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeardon who has blown the whistle about the depraved agenda of the globalist-Pharma nexus.

Dr. Yeadon previously presented evidence to prove that the COVID vaccines are bioweapons used to further the depopulation agenda of the elite.

But the COVID rabbit hole goes deeper than that. Much deeper.

According to Dr. Yeardon, who spent decades as a senior executive at Pfizer and knows all of their secrets, the COVID virus does not even exist. And, wait for it… there is no evidence to prove that viruses exist at all.

The Covid pandemic was nothing more than a globalist psy-op to marshall humanity into an advanced state of mass formation psychosis, according to former Pfizer VP Dr. Yeardon who has joined a growing number of leading scientists who are speaking out about one of the greatest swindles ever pulled.

The People’s Voice broke the news that high-level German government documents prove there was no Covid pandemic. There was no increase in hospital admissions for people with respiratory conditions. There was no increase in deaths – before the Covid vaccine roll out.

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.

As Yeadon explains, there was no Covid pandemic, but the psy-op led to the murder of millions with “a monstrous, long-planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning.”

According to scientists at the forefront of the research, these people are not infected with viruses. There is simply no evidence that viruses actually exist.

Freedom of Information requests reveal that health and science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation or purification, anywhere, ever.

As Dr. Tom Cowan explains, if pathogenic viruses actually existed, it would be a simple task to isolate them and prove they exist.

But the medical establishment is unable to do this.

So-called viral illnesses are simply the experience of the body detoxing.

Viruses are not exogenous, pathogenic entities. They are simply the inevitable breakdown particles of stressed and dead or dying tissues.

This means they are not pathogenic for other individuals. They are not harmful to other beings.

People cannot murder with their breath.

So why are the elite and medical establishment determined to continue pushing the big lie about viruses?

Because the global elite, in cahoots with the World Health Organization, have further nefarious plans for us.

They understand that their weapons of mass destruction cannot be implemented without a terror campaign driven by the threat of a “deadly virus.”

While there is no evidence that viruses actually exist, and German government data reveals that nobody was actually dying of the so-called COVID virus, there is a mountain of evidence, both scientific and anecdotal, the proves the vaccines are causing carnage.

Dr Mike Yeadon said he has “learned enough to say I think virology is wholly fraudulent,” but he believes that people may be “prevented from accepting any new information” as a result of “psychological protection mechanisms” which is why it can be hard to reach people with our warnings.

Dr. Yeardon mentioned that a person confessed to him that they didn’t want to believe what he was telling them, “because it was simply too frightening.”

This is what we are up against. Do not underestimate the power of the globalist psy-op and mass formation psychosis.

The stakes could not be higher which is why dozens of leading research scientists are blowing the whistle about the corruption of the establishment and the virus scam.

Dr. Sam Bailey joins us to explain why she has joined the ranks of those standing up against the propaganda of the medical establishment.

The medical establishment is running scared and cannot prove the existence of viruses, but there is simply too much on the line for the elite to allow the bought-and-paid for research scientists to admit the truth.

The virus fanatics at the WHO are continuing to use the 21st century version of the boogeyman to terrorize the masses into compliance.

Dr. Tedros and his chief financier Bill Gates are using the threat of Disease X or a bird flu pandemic to convince the masses to support their diabolical plan to fleece nations of their sovereignty by signing the Pandemic Treaty.

Future generations will look back at this time in history and marvel at the sheer brazenness of the global elite.

We cannot allow them to succeed.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from ThePeoplesVoice.tv)

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/08/pfizer-vp-blows-whistle-viruses-do-not.html

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