'Likely To Succeed': Судья постановил, что РФК может подать в суд на администрацию Байдена за цензуру правды о вакцинах

Мировые новости: 'Likely To Succeed': Судья постановил, что РФК может подать в суд на администрацию Байдена за цензуру правды о вакцинах

A federal judge ruled Tuesday Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. can sue the Biden administration for pressuring social media companies to censor content that questioned the official narrative about COVID mRNA vaccines.

“The Court finds that Kennedy is likely to succeed on his claim that suppression of content posted was caused by actions of Government Defendants, and there is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future,” U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Louisiana declared in a ruling. 

The lawsuit lays out in detail the methods used by the government to pressure social media giants including Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit to censor content that questioned the official narrative about COVID vaccines.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still claims that the the COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective.” 

The Children’s Health Defense CHD), a charity founded by Kennedy, says its mission is “ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure.” 

“Judge Terry Doughty carefully and clearly analyzed the law and facts and applied the framework from the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Murthy v. Missouri regarding standing,” CHD general counsel Kim Rosenberg said after the ruling, referring to a similar case brought against the government. 

“The court also firmly found in plaintiffs’ favor that plaintiffs had not waived — and indeed had affirmatively raised — direct censorship claims in addition to listener claims.”

The decision came just days before Kennedy suspended his presidential campaign, and endorsed President Donald Trump.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Arizona with Kennedy last week, Trump pledged that, if elected, he will “establish a panel of top experts” that will work with Kennedy to investigate vaccines and childhood health problems. 

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/08/likely-to-succeed-judge-rules-rfk-can.html

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