Джо Роган: Великобритания стала более тоталитарной, чем Россия

Мировые новости: Джо Роган: Великобритания стала более тоталитарной, чем Россия

Responding to the police crackdown on free speech in the UK, Joe Rogan pointed out that more people in the UK now get arrested for “thought crimes” on social media than they do in Russia.

“Terrible government overreach – you’re seeing it now in England where people are getting arrested for tweets,” Rogan said.

“People talk about Soviet Russia, like how bad Russia is in terms of cracking down on thought police and cracking down on bad tweets and things like that,” he added.

Modernity.news reports: Rogan then compared how Russia polices free speech on social media compared to the UK.

In Russia, only around 400 people are arrested each year for ‘hateful’ tweets, while that number is around 3,300 in the UK.

“The fact that they’re comfortable with finding people who’ve said something they disagree with and putting them in a fucking cage in England in 2024 is really wild,” said Rogan.

He then drew attention to a recent statement by Stephen Parkinson, the Director of Public Prosecutions, who told Sky News that merely retweeting information about the UK riots could lead to criminal charges.

Rogan pointed out that the term “hateful” is completely subjective “and in our lifetime we’ve seen that get moved,” before explaining how ‘deadnaming’ a transgender person by referring to them by their original name is now treated as “hateful”.

As we highlighted yesterday, a woman in Cheshire was arrested for tweeting “inaccurate information” about the killer of three girls in Southport.

Meanwhile, one of the latest arrests in the UK in the aftermath of the riots is of a man who wrote “filthy bastards” on Facebook alongside an emoji of an ethnic minority person and a gun.

He will now spend the next 12 weeks in prison.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/08/joe-rogan-uk-now-more-totalitarian-than.html

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