Польша: Лесбийская пара обвиняется в жестоком издевательстве над 4-летним мальчиком

Мировые новости: Польша: Лесбийская пара обвиняется в жестоком издевательстве над 4-летним мальчиком
Source: policja.pl

A shocking case of child abuse has come to light in Gliwice, Poland, where a four-year-old boy was allegedly subjected to prolonged violence by a lesbian couple, consisting of his biological mother and her partner.

The couple, Julia B. and Patrycja J., who lived together along with three children, was arrested after the boy managed to escape their apartment and was found alone on the street in only his shoes. He displayed signs of brutal and sadistic violence.

The District Prosecutor’s Office in Gliwice disclosed the charges, highlighting the disturbing nature of the injuries suffered by the four-year-old. According to the reports, Patrycja J. subjected the victim to physical and psychological torment, including starvation, verbal abuse, threats of abandonment, and physical violence involving punching, biting, choking, and using cables to strike him.

Moreover, the victim was a child with a disability, suffering from a congenital bone condition that required several surgeries by the age of four. Despite his vulnerability, the couple is accused of physically and psychologically torturing him in a calculated manner.

On July 31, 2024, the child managed to leave the apartment and was later discovered on the streets, his body showing numerous injuries including damage to his left shoulder, chest, right cheek, and left eye socket. He was then taken to the local police station by a bystander who found him.

This incident has reignited debate over the safety of children in households with LGBT parents, as local pro-life outlets criticize the acceptance of LGBT family structures, drawing parallels to reported cases of child abuse in such households abroad.

The local community and authorities continue to respond to the tragedy, calling for increased vigilance and protective measures for children in similar situations. The case remains under investigation as new details emerge about the treatment of Ignacy’s step-sisters, who reportedly were not subjected to the same abuse.

This has led some to speculate about the influence of an ideology that views masculinity as something to be fought against, drawing parallels with similar cases abroad where boys were targeted for abuse by lesbian couples.


По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/08/poland-lesbian-couple-charged-with.html

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