Билл Гейтс убеждает правительство в необходимости "принудительного уколов" населения путем добавления мРНК в повседневные продукты питания

Мировые новости: Билл Гейтс убеждает правительство в необходимости "принудительного уколов" населения путем добавления мРНК в повседневные продукты питания

Globalist billionaire and self-appointed world health czar Bill Gates has convinced the government to allow him to “force-jab” the public by adding mRNA to essential and everyday food items consumed by everybody in society.

According to Gates, the future of vaccination looks more like taking a breath of fresh air, drinking a glass of water, or eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm.

Gates and the Big Pharma cartel understand that the public are actively opposed to receiving regular mRNA booster shots, so they are finding new and deceitful ways to force vaxx the public without consent.

It’s official. The global elite have infiltrated our institutions, and they are working overtime to poison our air, water and food supply.

Healthy and fresh farm produce including lettuce and tomatoes have been hijacked by the elite to act as inconspicuous mRNA delivery systems as the campaign to destroy public health and depopulate the planet goes into overdrive.

More than 90% efficacy. Gee, where have I heard that before?

The elite have become so arrogant they are not even bothering to come up with new lies to deceive the masses.

We have been warning for years that they are putting mRNA vaccines in the food supply, while mainstream media and fact checkers have dismissed these warnings as so-called “conspiracy theories”, shamelessly denying the evidence that has been clear to see.

Fast forward to 2024 and there is now mRNA in lettuce and tomatoes and lawmakers around the US are moving to legislate for and against mRNA in the food supply.

Chalk this one up as yet more vindication for so-called “conspiracy theorists” who always seem to know what is happening at least twelve months before its in the news.

The most disturbing part of this plot against humanity is that it is now completely out in the open and yet the compliant masses are still not paying attention.

We are being bombarded with toxins of various kinds in our food supply, water, and from above, as chemtrails are deployed to spray the public into submission on behalf of the same cabal who are determined to flood our food supply with unwanted vaccines.

Bill Gates’ latest venture to mass vaccinate billions of people around the globe with his mRNA ‘air vaccine’ has been given the green-light by multiple governments following a Yale study.

The air vaccine will “indiscriminately” force jab the entire planet with mRNA, delivering the toxic chemicals straight into a person’s lungs.

Roman Balmakov of Facts Matter discusses the Gates-funded Yale study.

Chemtrails are no longer a conspiracy theory. Its a conspiracy fact, and the number of pilots coming forward to blow the whistle on the chemtrails operations is growing by the day.

Despite the legions of people who have died suddenly or suffered devastating health consequences, Bill Gates and the globalists are touting the mRNA Covid jabs as a huge success.

According to Big Pharma executives “there is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines” including for heart disease and cancer, which just so happen to be the two main problems caused by mRNA jabs in the first place.

Instead of being hauled before international tribunal for crimes against humanity, the globalist elite are lording it over the masses, boasting that the lockdowns, face masks, and forced jabs of Covid was just the beginning.

Big Pharma are doubling down on their crime, with literally hundreds – yes hundreds – of different mRNA shots on the production line right now.

According to Melissa J. Moore, Moderna’s chief scientific officer, “There is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines.”

If that wasn’t disturbing enough, Moderna’s chief scientific officer also boasted that Big Pharma will soon be injecting mRNA straight into people’s hearts.

Yes, she’s talking about the same hearts that were healthy until the vaccine roll out caused millions of people all over the world, including fit and healthy young people and elite athletes, to keel over with heart problems.

And don’t worry about the millions of cases of turbo cancer caused by mRNA around the world. Big Pharma have an answer for that too. That’s right, more mRNA.

The Pharma cartel are admitting they created the deadly shots in one hour, while trying to convince the masses that is something to be proud of.

We really are living in Orwell’s world now. War is peace. Ignorance is strength. Pedophilia is natural. And vaccines which have killed and maimed millions and were created in one hour are nothing to be up in arms about.

Reporting on the globalist elite is a full time job because, as the Bible tells us, wicked doesn’t sleep.

Take Bill Gates as a case in point. Rather than admitting that humanity has woken up to the truth about the disastrous Covid-19 jabs, Gates is doubling down and taking it upon himself to vaccinate the world by stealth.

According to the billionaire eugenicist, farm animals including cows, pigs and chickens have inadequate genetics. And the only way to “fix” those genetics is to “vaccinate” every farm animal in the world with new mRNA vaccines that will find their way onto your family’s dinner plates.

That’s right, Bill Gates, American’s largest owner of farmland, has boasted that he is slipping mRNA into the food supply.

World Economic Forum-infiltrated countries like Australia are signing up to Bill Gates new scheme, desperate to force-jab the non-compliant in their country.

So we now know that Gates is spraying us from above, slipping mRNA into our lettuce and tomatoes and meat products.

But Gates isn’t finished with us yet.

His laser-like focus to vaccinate the entire world, with or without our consent, has led to him invest hundreds of millions of dollars in genetically modified mosquitoes designed to operate as “flying vaccinators.”

And if this sounds far-fetched, you should be aware that the NIH is already vaccinating humans using Gates’ mosquitoes.

Here at the People’s Voice, we are determined to expose the crimes of the elite and bring them to justice. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help to spread the truth far and wide.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from Baxter Dmitry)

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/07/bill-gates-convinces-govt-to-force-jab.html

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