Следователи Палаты представителей опубликовали отчет, в котором подробно рассказывается о том, как Фаучи и другие сотрудники NIH лгали журналистам об исследованиях, направленных на усиление функции

Мировые новости: Следователи Палаты представителей опубликовали отчет, в котором подробно рассказывается о том, как Фаучи и другие сотрудники NIH лгали журналистам об исследованиях, направленных на усиление функции

More bombshells have dropped about how Tony Fauci and other career criminals at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) lied to the media and to Congress about gain-of-function research on viruses.

House investigators on the Energy and Commerce Committee released a 73-page report detailing how Fauci et al. deceived the world about the nature of this high-risk protocol being used to manipulate bat coronaviruses, for instance, which many believe is how the world ended up with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

The most recent bombshell to come to light about all this were the lies told by Fauci to The New York Times concerning his participation in putting together a Nature Medicine article claiming the "pandemic" could not have originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, that Fauci personally funded.

In September 2022, Science Magazine published an article about the monkeypox virus that ended up prompting the House to launch its probe. That article discussed how monkeypox is supposedly spreading around the world and mutating to become more contagious and deadly to humans.

According to Bernard Moss, described as "a seasoned poxvirus researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)" where Fauci used to be the top dog, monkeypox has adapted to multiply more quickly in human hosts, making it a much bigger risk than previously believed.

Here we go with the monkeypox "variants," just like with COVID

Monkeypox is more than likely just as fake as COVID before it, but you have to remember that the political establishment sees it as real. And we know that they are cooking up something in these labs that is harming people, which is at the heart, allegedly, of these probes.

Science claims that Moss initiated gain-of-function experiments to determine why certain genes in monkeypox are more transmissible and harmful than others. Again, this is the official story and we are simply reporting on what they are saying and what they are claiming.

Clade 1 and Clade 2 are the names used to describe the two latest "variants" of monkeypox that researchers claim are responsible for "causing the global outbreak." Both variants supposedly come from Africa, and both are said to be extremely deadly – especially Clade 1.

"... Clade 1 virus can kill a mouse at levels 1,000 times lower than those needed with Clade 2," Science claims.

"To find out why, Moss and his colleagues swapped dozens of Clade 2 genes, one at a time, into Clade 1 virus, hoping to see it become less deadly, but with no luck so far. Now, they are planning to try the opposite, endowing Clade 2 virus with genes from its deadlier relative."

There are obvious concerns within the more honest segments of the scientific community about the threats posed by all this gain-of-function genetic butchering taking place on an allegedly deadly virus that is said to be causing a global outbreak. Are we witnessing COVID 2.0 unfolding?

House Republicans are now trying to access Moss for a thorough probing, but his defenders, including Helen Branswell of STAT News, want Congress to leave Moss alone.

"When it comes to gain-of-function research, critics typically want to grill scientists who have done this type of work," Branswell tweeted on X. "House Republicans want to interrogate poxvirus scientist Bernie Moss – who has been at NIH for 57 years – for work he did not do." 

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/06/house-investigators-release-report.html

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