Эксперты обвиняют геоинженерию в катастрофическом наводнении в Дубае

Мировые новости: Эксперты обвиняют геоинженерию в катастрофическом наводнении в Дубае

Experts and mainstream media outlets have been forced to admit that geoengineering is responsible for Dubai’s recent spate of flooding.

Bloomberg News admitted the recent devastating floods in Dubai was worsened due to “cloud seeding.”

Infowars.com reports: The UAE reportedly received a year’s worth of rain in 24 hours. 

Some media outlets were roasted for publishing conflicting reports about the event.

Wired magazine published an article on Wednesday, titled, “No, Dubai’s Floods Weren’t Caused by Cloud Seeding.”

However, in 2020, Wired ran with the headline, “Bringing in the rain: Has the UAE’s cloud-seeding program gone too far?” in an article claiming “waterlogged streets and flooded malls” are prompting “questions over chemicals being pumped into the skies.”

The internet called out the scientific elite for playing with nature:

Check out some footage from the wild storm below:

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2024/04/experts-blame-geoengineering-for-dubais.html

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