Тысячи израильтян протестуют у дома Нетаньяху, требуя его отставки

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Тысячи израильтян протестуют у дома Нетаньяху, требуя его отставки

Thousands of Israelis gathered outside Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem in protest of his handling of the war with Hamas. 

The demonstrators marched and chanted while holding Israeli flags and banners condemning the Israeli PM and demanding that he leave office.

They believe that Netanyahu is responsible for Hamas’ invasion of Israel on October 7.

The Mail Online reports: One protester, Rani Graff, said: ‘Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of Israel [needs] to leave his job because he is the one responsible for the October 7 disaster, the biggest one we have in the history of Israel, where 1,400 people were murdered, and babies, women and children were kidnapped, raped and burnt to death. 

‘We need him to go, he is responsible, we need him to go now, yesterday.’

Another person held up a banner which read: ‘Netanyahu destroyed Israel.’ 

Other protesters reportedly chanted: ‘Because of you we are dead, get out of our lives.’ 

Israel’s military campaign has so far killed around 14,000 Palestinians in Gaza in retaliation to Hamas’ attacks, according to Palestinian medical authorities. 

Much of Gaza city has been reduced to rubble while about 5,000 children have been killed in Israel’s attacks. 

Israeli leaders have sworn to free all hostages as the military pursues their invasion of Gaza, according to an Israeli tally. 

Prison authorities in Israel announced early this morning that they had released 39 Palestinian captives after Hamas freed 13 Israelis and four Thai nationals in the latest stage of a four-day ceasefire. 

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/11/thousands-of-israelis-protest-outside.html

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