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Part of the ritual for a Master Mason. |
Independent Catholic journalist Kyle Clifton has faced numerous death threats after exposing secret Masonic rituals and their mockery of Catholicism.
An independent Catholic journalist has received scores of death threats after publishing footage of secret Masonic rituals.
In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Clifton explained that he joined a Masonic lodge a number of years ago, with the intention of exposing their secrets. Clifton said that since filming the ritual, he has been baptized as a Catholic.
On November 16, Kyle Clifton began posting a series of video clips he
made while attending a highly secretive Masonic ritual. Filmed with a
concealed camera, his footage documents the induction ceremony of a
third degree Master Mason, which is the highest degree of Freemasonry
in the Blue Lodge, before members can choose to deepen their membership
through more specific routes such as in the Scottish Rite. One of his
videos has been viewed more than 7 million times on X, formerly known as
🚨📸 I went undercover with a hidden camera to expose a Freemason "Master Mason Degree" ritual.
— Kyle - Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 16, 2023
I was shocked to learn how much of it comes from ancient Talmudic teachings.
⏰ I will release a new video every 24 hours to ensure every aspect of the ceremony is exposed. pic.twitter.com/NV561DQ7vh
Clifton told LifeSiteNews that when he was 18 years-old he decided he wanted to expose Freemasonry because he believed it to be influential in much of the evil in the world. He explained that as a young man he was asking question such as: “Why is the world the way it is? Why is there so much degeneracy in this world? Who’s pushing all this propaganda?” and that the more he researched “it was like everyone was pointing to the Freemasons.”
“I went down to a local Freemason lodge and I befriended some of them and got into it. But then I realized I was a little bit over my head with it all,” Clifton said.
Clifton explained that, after developing a significant online following for his undercover journalism work, he decided earlier this year to go back to his local lodge and film one of the rituals.
“After I went I spoke with a priest and explained everything,” Clifton said. “I was baptized and confirmed into the Church just three months after shooting this video. And yes, I definitely wouldn’t go back. It’s against the Church. And the ceremonies and oaths that you have to take — that’s all repented for.”
Clifton’s videos provide evidence of the fiercely guarded secret rituals, including the mock execution ceremony, profession of the Masonic oath and the mimicry made of Christianity throughout the rituals.
🚨👁️ PART 2:
I went undercover with a hidden camera to expose a Freemason Ritual.Today, we glance into the death ceremony which ends with the Jewish funeral prayer to prepare the new recruit to be resurrected.
⏰ New video will be posted every 24hrs to ensure maximum exposure. pic.twitter.com/jPWZbE7WEJ
— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 17, 2023
💀⚰️ PART 3: I went undercover with a hidden camera to expose a Freemason Kabalah Ritual.
🏻🏼The resurrection is done with the various secret handshakes to indicate that only a Masters grip will raise him from the dead.
⏰ New video will be posted every 24hrs. pic.twitter.com/kkJrm05vqP
— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 18, 2023
☠️🕯️PART 4:
I went undercover with a hidden camera to expose a Freemason Ritual.The masonic oath & penalties are sworn over, essentially a Jewish Talmud. The 3 lamps are illuminated to mock our Holy Trinity.
⏰ New vid will be posted every 24hrs to ensure max exposure. pic.twitter.com/MtYE9zfPes
— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 21, 2023
The Masonic ritual
is built on the recounting and re-enactment of details form the life of
Hiram Abiff – believed to be the chief architect of King Solomon’s
temple, who in Masonic lore was murdered by junior stone-masons
demanding his information. The Old Testament records
a craftsman named Hiram working on Solomon’s temple, though does not
present him as the chief architect nor gives any record of his
apprehension and murder.
The Masonic ritual is replete with a faux resurrection ceremony, metaphorically life-bestowing words and handshakes, and ceremonies which demand a particular number of bodily contact points.
For the incoming Master Mason, he is also taught the all-important password while making physical contact on five points of his body with already professed masters, in a mimic of the five chief wounds endured by Christ during the Passion.
Two members of the ritual are denoted by the terms “deacons,” in a mimic of the Catholic High Mass with subdeacon and deacon, and an “altar” is also used by the Masons.
Clifton has reported that his publication of the videos had led to numerous death threats against him by Masons.
🚨👮 BREAKING: After exposing the Freemasons in an undercover video last week, an Officer of the court has gone to my family’s home and stalked and knocked on their doors in an attempt to issue a cease & desist letter to me.
‼️ I have also had my car broken into, 2 separate… pic.twitter.com/t13aSjkbri
— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 21, 2023
In addition to over 30 death threats, Clifton stated his family had
been intimidated by “an officer of the court” in an attempt to curtail
his exposition of the Masonic secrets.
🚨 👻 An anonymous Freemason whistleblower has come forward with an internal memo that was sent to the Masonic Lodges.
— Kyle - Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 21, 2023
They are not happy that we have spread their secret Talmudic ceremonies around the world.
Keep up the pressure! pic.twitter.com/24FM77DoAF
Among the threats issued to Clifton were messages warning him of the “price” he would pay for revealing the secrets of the Lodge, which members are bound by oath to keep secret.
As part of the oath uttered during the ritual, the Mason states that should he break the secrecy of the lodge then he would find himself “in no less penalty than of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken from thence and burnt to ashes. The ashes cast to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance may be had of me among men and Masons forever. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in due observance of this, my solemn obligation, as master mason.”
Such words have been downplayed by Masons in PR moves attempting to win public support for the secretive, anti-Catholic organization, with the dire penalties being described simply as “powerful, symbolic imagery.”
As LifeSiteNews has previously published, being its own universal religion, Freemasonry has long set its hostility against Christianity, and the Catholic Church in particular. David Gray, Catholic convert from Freemasonry, who rose to the “Sublime Degree of Master Mason” and held the office of “High Priest of a Royal Arch Chapter,” has stated:
The fact of the matter is that all Freemasonry shares the same principles and it is those principles that plot against the Church. Whether some Freemasons express those principles in the public sphere and other Freemasons express them only in their private relationships is only a distance in the accidents or the articulation, but not in the substance.
The Catholic Church has consistently and firmly forbidden Catholics from joining the Freemasons, which was re-stated by the Vatican in recent weeks. Pope Clement XII’s 1739 papal bull, In Eminenti, judged Freemasonry so serious a matter, and membership in it so dangerous, that he imposed an automatic excommunication, latae sententiae, on any Catholic who joined the freemasons.
Subsequently, Pope Leo XIII wrote in Humanum Genus that Freemasons have as “their ultimate purpose…the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.”
In the CDF’s 1981 Declaration Concerning Status of Catholics Becoming Freemasons, the Vatican reaffirmed the prior teaching on this prohibition, based on renewed questions on the topic, noting that the excommunication and all penalties remained in place for Catholics looking to become Masons.
Subsequent texts a few years later – Declaration on Masonic Associations and Irreconcilability of Christian Faith and Freemasonry – re-iterated the Church’s position, noting the “irreconcilability between the principles of Freemasonry and the Catholic faith.”
(Article by Michael Haynes republished from LifeSiteNews.com)
По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/11/freemasonrys-secret-rituals-exposed-in.html