Режим Байдена теперь газует общественность, утверждая, что они никогда не выдавали мандатов на вакцины и это только в вашем воображении

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Режим Байдена теперь газует общественность, утверждая, что они никогда не выдавали мандатов на вакцины и это только в вашем воображении

It wasn’t long ago when federal officials were calling for mask mandates, covid-19 test requirements, vaccine mandates and vaccine passport systems that challenged body autonomy rights and threatened our basic right to travel and assemble. These rogue officials sought to segregate “unvaccinated” individuals from society and implemented coercive policies that terminated employees from the workplace and removed service members from the military.

Today, these federal officials are backtracking on their abusive tactics and coercive rhetoric, denying the fact that they implemented policies that threatened the lives and livelihoods of their fellow Americans.

OSHA vaccine mandate and all the associated coercion was struck down by the Supreme Court

In early November 2021, Joe Biden announced a “vaccine mandate” for all U.S. employers with over one hundred employees. This egregious human rights violation was deployed through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Under the rule, all U.S. businesses with one hundred or more employees would be fined if they did not collect the vaccination status of employees and report it to the federal government. Businesses were set to be fined $14,000 for every “unvaccinated” employee -- effectively forcing these individuals out of the labor force. If an employee was found to be “unvaccinated” by the current medical dictates of the time, that person was considered a liability and was denied any due process rights. They were then required to take fraudulent covid-19 tests weekly and wear masks all day long, until they complied with the vaccine mandate.

Federal officials begin to gaslight the public, denying the reality of their own human rights abuses

Now, an even cockier narrative is starting to come out of federal officials who acted maliciously during the rollout of the covid-19 vaccines. It’s a narrative of denial, of gaslighting and deceit. The Biden regime is now denying that they ever issued vaccine mandates or forced people to take the ineffective and unsafe vaccines.

In a recent Congressional hearing, Douglas L. Parker, the Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA), denied that the administration ever issued a vaccine mandate. When pressed on OSHA’s vaccine mandate, he said, “That’s categorically untrue. We didn’t threaten anyone and we didn’t demand that anyone be fired.”

The bold-faced liar issued a worker vaccine mandate affecting 84 million Americans, and he has the audacity to deny this fact. OSHA's emergency temporary standard (ETA) even included language that would expand the employer mandate to all businesses, regardless of employee count. This entire policy was eventually suspended by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and struck down by the Supreme Court.

Throughout history, the courts have unilaterally ruled that OSHA’s authority under § 655(c) is an “extraordinary power” that should be “limited” and “delicately exercised.” In other words, OSHA cannot flagrantly establish emergency temporary standards, and the agency cannot be used as a political weapon to force people to give up their body autonomy for some concocted, unproven idea of “safety.”

OSHA relies on non-specific symptom reporting and diagnostic test results that are provably fraudulent for sequencing a specific causative agent. Their list of restrictions was completely unnecessary in the workforce and are extraordinarily cumbersome. There are NO instances in American law where the fears of one person and the medical fraud imposed by a government agency supersedes the body autonomy rights of another. Moreover, the federal government failed to prove that exposure to covid-19 is a workplace hazard because there was already copious evidence that natural immunity improves the safety of the working environment. The courts struck down Biden’s unlawful vaccine mandates in the workforce -- an incredible victory for human rights and the rule of law.

But today, the Biden regime is trying to re-write history on their COVID crimes, gaslighting the public about policies of subjugation and segregation that directly threatened our lives and livelihoods. From OSHA to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and across the spectrum of federal agencies, government officials are lying about what they did from 2020 to 2022, in a desperate attempt to shirk accountability for their actions. 

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/10/biden-regime-now-gaslighting-public.html

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