Гомосексуальные республиканцы называют ДеСантиса и его команду "гомофобами" за критику поддержки ЛГБТ Трампом

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Гомосексуальные республиканцы называют ДеСантиса и его команду "гомофобами" за критику поддержки ЛГБТ Трампом

'Oh come on. Opposing identity politics isn’t 'hate,' ' said campaign spokeswoman Christina Pushaw.

Republicans who want their party to support the transgender and homosexual agenda are upset that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign has criticized 2024 opponent President Donald Trump for boosting it.

“To wrap up ‘Pride Month,’ let’s hear from the politician who did more than any other Republican to celebrate it,” DeSantis War Room, the digital messaging arm of the governor’s presidential campaign, tweeted, along with a video produced by another user named “Proud Conservative.”

The video notes that President Trump’s presidential campaign sold “LGBTQ for Trump” shirt, and also that he held up a rainbow flag to show his support for the LGBT agenda and from LGBT activists. It includes footage of DeSantis and headlines of a drag show being canceled in response to legislation passed in Florida.

The “Log Cabin Republicans,” a homosexual advocacy group, accused DeSantis’ campaign of being “homophobic.”

“Today’s message from the DeSantis campaign War Room is divisive and desperate. Republicans and other commonsense conservatives know Ron [DeSantis] has alienated swing-state and younger voters,” the group tweeted. “Conservatives understand that we need to protect our kids, preserve women’s sports, safeguard women’s spaces and strengthen parental rights, but Ron DeSantis’ extreme rhetoric…has just ventured into homophobic territory.”

The Twitter account also repeatedly retweeted former Trump official Ric Grenell’s tweets that called the video “homophobic.”

“The video is insanely homophobic,” Ric Grenell tweeted.

Former Log Cabin Republicans President Gregory T. Angelo said the video “disgusted” him.

In response to criticism, campaign spokeswoman Christina Pushaw said DeSantis opposes identity politics.

“Oh come on. Opposing identity politics isn’t ‘hate,'” Pushaw said in response to Grenell. “It’s the position that all Americans should be treated equally, without discrimination nor privileges based on innate characteristics, including sexual orientation… But you know that.”

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/07/homosexual-republicans-call-desantis.html

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