Иранские жертвы химических атак Саддама Хусейна подают в суд на голландские компании

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Иранские жертвы химических атак Саддама Хусейна подают в суд на голландские компании

 Via The Cradle,

Five victims of chemical attacks launched by the late Iraqi president Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war are suing two Dutch companies for providing chemical materials that allowed Baghdad to manufacture mustard gas.

The two companies — Otjiaha and Forafina Beleggingen — provided Iraq with chemicals between 1982 and 1984 during the Iraqi invasion of Iran.

A screen capture from Iraqi television of UN personnel destroying mustard gas in the early 1990s, AFP.

According to the lawsuit filed at The Hague, the Dutch companies were aware at the time that their products were being used to produce chemical weapons used against civilians.

However, Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant says the corporations dispute the accusations and maintain that the chemicals were meant for use as agricultural pesticides.

Billionaire Hans Melchers, the former owner of Otjiaha, then known as Melchemie, appeared in court on June 22, where he rejected all charges.

He is charged with taking part in the delivery of 1,850 tons of thionyl chloride, a component of mustard gas, to Iraq.

In 1987, his company was fined and shut down temporarily for "intentionally" ignoring a Dutch government embargo intended to stop the transfer of materials to Iraq that could be used to make weapons.

For its part, Forafina Beleggingen — known as KBS Holland at the time — is sued for providing TDG to Iraq, another element required to make mustard gas.

Western governments and companies covertly supplied Saddam with chemical weapons components during the 1980s when he was 'our man in Baghdad'...

Iraq’s use of mustard gas caused long-lasting damage to the five complainants, who suffer from respiratory problems and damage to their lungs, eyes, and skin.

"These people’s lives were destroyed at the time … [the] Dutch companies share a part of the responsibility for that," lawyer Liesbeth Zegveld told reporters on 23 June.

As a result of Iraq’s use of chemical weapons during the war between 1980 and 1988, hundreds of Iranian soldiers and civilians died instantly, while many more have endured long-lasting ailments.

More coverage via Iranian media below...

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from Zerohedge.com)

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/iranian-victims-of-saddam-husseins.html

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