Ковровые акулы: Мастера маскировки и охоты из засады

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Ковровые акулы: Мастера маскировки и охоты из засады

Carpet sharks, or wobbegons, are members of the whisker shark family, which includes 11 species of predatory fish. They successfully live and hunt in the benthic layer of seas and oceans due to their flattened body and unique camouflage characteristics. In this article we will look at the characteristics of the Carpet Shark's appearance, behavior and hunting methods.


Carpet sharks have a massive body that is compressed from the top, a large rounded head, and small eyes that are almost invisible. The nostrils, connected to the corners of the mouth by a deep groove, have a fleshy tendril that is the organ of touch. The teeth are shallow, multitushed, and multifunctional - from gripping slippery prey to grinding and "cracking" the shells of crustaceans and mollusks. The dorsal fins of wobbegongs are small and strongly displaced toward the caudal part of the body. The pectoral and ventral fins are well developed and rounded. The caudal fin is narrow and long, with a poorly developed lower lobe.


One of the most unique features of the Carpet Shark is its camouflage coloration. It is mottled, protective, and allows them to remain invisible when "ambushed". The pattern on their backs and fins form sentimental "daisies". This coloration and additional skin growths on the body contribute to the unique ability of these predators to camouflage themselves in natural hiding places while hunting.


Carpet sharks hunt from ambush, taking advantage of the excellent camouflage properties of their bodies. Approaching prey is grabbed with a sharp lunge and the cheek pump (creating a vacuum in the mouth by inflating the cheeks) is used to capture the prey. The diet of carpet sharks includes bony and small cartilaginous fish, cephalopods (squid, octopus, cuttlefish), various crustaceans - from shrimp to crabs and lobsters - as well as sea snakes, worms and other invertebrates.


Carpet sharks are very shy and always try to hide. They never attack divers, but if you jam the bearded shark in a cave and leave him no way out, then defending himself, he can claw and easily bite through a wetsuit. It is said that in this case it is almost impossible to tear it off, because wobbegongs breathe very well with their mouths closed, and they have several rows of teeth.

Among wobbegongs there are small ones barely reaching a meter in length, there are also giants (spotted wobbegong) exceeding the three-meter mark in length. These predators are not dangerous to humans, but with provocative behavior (e.g., if you carelessly approach or step on the ambush site), they can bite you palpably. Wounds are not fatal, but very painful and can cause various infections and inflammations.


Carpet sharks, or wobbegongs, are masters of camouflage and ambush hunting. Their unique coloration and abilities allow them to successfully reside and hunt in the benthic layer of the seas and oceans. Despite their shyness, carpet sharks can be dangerous to humans, so caution should be exercised when diving.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/carpet-sharks-masters-of-camouflage-and.html

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