Киты-убийцы на охоте: зафиксирован рост числа нападений косаток на людей

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Киты-убийцы на охоте: зафиксирован рост числа нападений косаток на людей

Orcas are among the most intelligent and dangerous predators in the world. Their intelligence and hunting skills amaze even scientific experts. But what do you do when they start attacking people?

According to the Daily Orca Attack Tracker, the situation with orca attacks on humans has worsened significantly in recent years. Where once they were extremely rare, they now occur on a daily basis. There are several reasons for this.

One reason is climate change. Studies show that water temperatures in the oceans are rising, changing the habitat of killer whales. They are forced to look for new areas to hunt, which can lead to collisions with humans.

Another reason is a reduction in prey. Orcas are predators that eat fish and other marine life. When there is less prey, orcas are forced to look for food in other places, including coastal areas where people are often present.

Orcas' behaviour is also influenced by their social structure. They live in large groups with leaders and subordinates. And if the leader starts attacking people, the rest of the group may follow suit.

So how can you protect yourself from killer whale attacks?

Experts recommend following these rules

- Never get closer than 100 metres to an orca.

- If you see orcas in the vicinity, do not try to swim close to them, even in a boat.

- Do not feed or allow orcas to take food from your hands.

- If you see killer whales becoming aggressive, move away from them immediately.

Attacks on people by killer whales are becoming more common, and it appears that for reasons we do not yet understand, they are deliberately attacking people.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/killer-whales-on-prowl-increase-in.html

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