Ян Стивенсон: Исследование детских воспоминаний о прошлых жизнях

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Ян Стивенсон: Исследование детских воспоминаний о прошлых жизнях

There are many theories about life after death, but none of them are scientifically proven. However, Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist and pioneer in the field of parapsychology, devoted most of his career to investigating cases of children who claimed to remember past lives.

Stevenson's method was to interview the children and their families, as well as any witnesses or relatives of the deceased whose families they believed themselves to be. He also verified the details of their claims by checking official records, visiting places and examining any physical marks or birth defects that corresponded to the alleged past lives.

Stevenson's research uncovered several characteristics that point to the true phenomenon of reincarnation:

1. The age at which children begin to talk about their past lives is usually between two and four years old.

2. Children often show emotional attachment to their former families and homes, and sometimes express a desire to return to them.

3. Children sometimes display skills, talents or preferences that are unusual for their current families or cultures, but are consistent with their past lives.

4. Children often recognise people, places or objects from their past lives, even if they have never seen them in their present life.

5. Children sometimes said words or phrases in languages they had not learned in their present life, but which belonged to their past lives.

6. Children often had moles or birth defects that corresponded to wounds or traumas that had caused or contributed to the death of their former personalities.

Stevenson described many interesting cases which supported his theory of reincarnation. For example, he told of a boy who claimed to have been a pilot in a previous life and to have died in an accident. He knew many details about his aeroplane and could even draw a diagram of it. Stevenson checked this information and found that it was all true.

Another case described by Stevenson involved a boy who claimed to have been a woman in a previous life and had died from complications during childbirth. He had a birthmark on his body that matched the wound on his abdomen that the woman had received during childbirth.

Stevenson was not the only scientist to investigate the phenomenon of reincarnation and it has been studied by famous scientists, doctors and psychologists. It is impossible to explain all such cases in terms of the beliefs of modern science. Many facts say that life does not end with the death of the body. The human soul is immortal, and by moving into a new body it lives a new life, and so on and so forth...

The idea of reincarnation is not new and has been prevalent in many cultures around the world. In India it is part of the Hindu and Buddhist religions. In Tibet, there is a tradition of the Dalai Lama seeking reincarnation.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/ian-stevenson-study-of-childhood.html

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