Австралийские больницы отказываются спасать жизнь больному раком ребенку, если он не сделает ЧЕТЫРЕ укола Ковида

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Австралийские больницы отказываются спасать жизнь больному раком ребенку, если он не сделает ЧЕТЫРЕ укола Ковида

Hospitals in Australia are refusing to provide emergency treatment for a sixteen-year-old girl who urgently requires a double lung transplant due to the side effects of chemotherapy and surgery.

According to the hospitals, the unvaccinated sixteen-year-old girl would be a “threat” to the health of the other patients and medical staff if she enters the premises.

In essence, the hospitals are attempting to coerce a child into a severely contraindicated medical treatment that is dangerous for her, especially due to her cancer background, and are withholding lifesaving care to this child.

According to Australian MP Russell Broadbent, this is homicidal and criminal behavior that needs to be prosecuted. Watch:

Broadbent, who is the Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, said: “Today, I received a video message pleading for help from Dazelle, a beautiful 16-year-old girl who needs a double lung transplant due to the side effects of chemotherapy and surgery.

“Dazelle has been fighting cancer since she was 13 [and has finally overcome it]. She has been through several rounds of chemotherapy, ending up on life support and dialysis, and endured a bone marrow transplant.

“If that’s not horrendous enough, now two major hospitals are refusing to do the lung transplant because she hasn’t had any COVID-19 injections.

“At first, she was told she’d need two jabs; now she’s told she needs four—three up-front and a booster in six months. But Dazelle doesn’t have six months to wait.

“Her medical advisers need to remember they took an oath to ‘do no harm’, because terrible harm is exactly what they’re inflicting on Dazelle and her family by demanding she is jabbed four times!”

Dazelle is far from the only Australian citizen being denied vital life-saving health care under the country’s draconian vaccination policies.

A Melbourne mum being denied a lifesaving transplant under a “no jab, no heart” policy has accused the hospital of “ideological” discrimination for refusing the Covid vaccine. News.com.au report:

Vicki Derderian, 47, has been on mechanical life support since 2020 after her heart failed and is desperate for a transplant, but The Alfred Hospital deemed her ineligible to be placed on the organ donor waiting list because she is not vaccinated against Covid.

“I think it’s a form of punishment,” she said.

“They’re set in their ways — basically it’s ‘no jab, no heart’. There is no long-term study on the efficacy of vaccines on pre- and post-transplant patients. I have a legal exemption from ATAGI which they are refusing to acknowledge.”

Despite widespread public attention on her case, Alfred Health is refusing to budge, offering only to meet with Ms Derderian to discuss her “vaccination concerns.”

(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from thepeoplesvoice.tv)

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/australian-hospitals-refuse-to-save.html

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