Одиннадцать признаков того, что человечество погибло и не выживет долго на планете Земля

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Одиннадцать признаков того, что человечество погибло и не выживет долго на планете Земля

The human species is a curious one. It has dominated planet Earth by exterminating a long list of species and ecosystems. And now, having nearly run out of other living systems to poison, burn or exterminate, humanity has set its sights on its final target: Humanity itself.

This is the end game. The self-inflicted extermination of the human race.

The means by which the final extermination takes place is now becoming increasingly clear.

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter believes it will be global nuclear war. He now says that 2023 will be humanity’s last year on planet Earth, and he challenges anyone to prove him wrong.

From the Deborah Armstrong channel on Medium.com:

“We are on the cusp of thermonuclear war,” said Maj. Scott Ritter. He recalled his former mentor, General Polk, who served under President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. “You know how we avoided war during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Diplomacy. Old fashioned diplomacy. Americans talking to Russians and Russians talking to Americans.”

“But today, we don’t talk. Yeah, we have our intelligence heads meeting in Ankara and other places around the world, but this isn’t a negotiation. We are in the midst of not just a heightening of tensions, but we lack the mechanisms to resolve these tensions. There is no diplomatic action worthy of the name between the US and Russia today.”

Or will it be bioweapons?

Other experts we’ve interviewed believe the final extermination chapter will come in the form of an “End of Days” bioweapons release… perhaps timed to make the 2024 election impossible. Bioweapons engineering hasn’t paused at all in the aftermath of the covid revelations. If anything, it’s clear that the US Department of Defense is accelerating its deployment of biological weapons, not pulling back.

Still others believe a global famine that’s being deliberately engineered will spell the end of western civilization. I recently interviewed Michael Yon in studio — that interview will run this week on Brighteon.com — during which I asked him about the Ukraine / Russia war and its outcome. His answer was sobering: The war in Ukraine was put in place on purpose to cause widespread famine across Western Europe.
Over the weekend, Breitbart.com published a story that confirm Yon’s analysis. It carries the headline, “Global Food Crisis — Ukraine Farming Sector Won’t Recover for at Least 20 Years: Study.” From that story:

According to a report from the Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine’s farming industry has been severely damaged during the past year of fighting with Russia, with staple crops such as maize, oats, rapeseed, and rye not expected to recover to previous production levels until at least 2050. Other sectors such as barley, sunflower, and wheat are meanwhile not expected to recover to pre-war levels until 2040.

On top of that, the US is now sending depleted uranium tank munitions to the region in an effort to disperse radioisotopes across all the farmland there, rendering the region contaminated for generations to come. The impact on the global food supply — reaching far beyond Western Europe — will be catastrophic. As Breitbart reports, Ukraine routinely produced, “10 per cent of global wheat exports, 15 per cent of barley and corn, and over 50 per cent of sunflower oil.”

Thanks to the war which was provoked by the USA and NATO by baiting Russia into a war over Ukraine, that food production is now essentially zero. Worsening the global famine scenario that has been deliberately set into motion, NATO countries deplatformed Russia from the SWIFT financial transaction system last year, making it impossible for Russia to export both fertilizer and the natural gas used to manufacture that fertilizer. As a result, farm fields across Western Europe are right now being abandoned in astonishing numbers, and both food inflation and food scarcity are sharply worsening.

Below, I list some of the most obvious reasons why humanity will not survive much longer on planet Earth. It doesn’t mean every last human will perish, but that the current constructs of human civilization — and the vast majority of people who depend on that construct — are in the process of being vaporized.

Eleven signs that humanity is doomed

1) Up to 80% of people are stupid enough to take a depopulation bioweapon injection because they were told it’s a “vaccine.” This demonstrates that humanity is too stupid to survive at current levels. If 4 out of 5 people are gullible enough to line up and be injected with bioweapons — while lecturing everyone else for being “anti science” — there’s not much hope for the species as a whole.

2) Rapid cognitive decline is spreading across all countries where bioweapon jabs were administered in large numbers. Critical thinking is all but gone. Public education is nearly non-existent, and high school graduates can’t do basic math.

The following podcast discusses how the spike protein bioweapons (administered via vaccine jabs) are causing widespread cognitive damage and mental retardation across the human species:

3) The masses have become too fat, lazy, stupid and apathetic to resist tyranny. We live on a “welfare planet” where people surrender to authoritarians in order to receive stimulus money and handouts. Rather than making any real effort to contribute to a better future, the majority of people are focused on figuring out how to extract as much fake fiat currency as possible from a dying system that has already betrayed them.

4) We’ve poisoned the food supply with biosludge, pesticides and herbicides, to the point where “forever chemicals” now contaminate most farms in the United States. We’ve poisoned the oceans and waterways with atrazine and microplastics. We’ve poisoned the skies with industrial pollution, and globalist corporations are pushing terraforming operations to deplete CO2 from the atmosphere and kill off most plant life on the planet, further accelerating global famine and social chaos.

5) We’ve largely lost the ability to reproduce. Sperm count and motility is plummeting. Female infertility is exploding. Birthing centers are closing down in huge numbers and new births are collapsing in the post-vaccine era. Children who are being born suffer from higher rates of autism, infertility and neurological defects than at any time in human history, and abortion factories are aggressively carrying out mass murder of human babies while the political Left celebrates it.

6) LGBT culture wars are targeting mothers, fathers and families as a malicious effort to halt the sustainability of the human race. They mutilate reproductive organs of children and call it “gender affirming care.” They murder healthy babies and call it, “Women’s reproductive health.” They vaccinate young children with neurotoxins to induce autism, mental retardation and infertility. The LGBT cult has merged with the authoritarian state to mandate state-sponsored zealotry of perversion, homosexuality, pedophilia, human trafficking and child rape. The net result is fewer children maturing to adulthood with any innate reproductive capabilities remaining.

7) Human institutions suppress innovation to protect corporate interests. Free energy technology already exists but is being systematically marginalized and mocked. Cures for cancer have existed for decades but are attacked by the pharma-controlled medical establishment. Solutions for scalable, pesticide-free food production already exist and can feed the entire world, yet they are suppressed in favor of GMOs and pesticides that financially benefit powerful agricultural giants. Where innovation is allowed to be rolled out — such as with AI systems — it is weaponized to brainwash or suppress human knowledge rather than enhance it. There are no large institutions remaining on planet Earth that prioritize the advancement of human knowledge at all. Instead, they focus on suppressing knowledge, truth and transparency in order to keep humanity in the dark about the planetary-scale extermination that has already begun.

8) Humanity’s current political leaders have no knowledge of what makes a sustainable civilization, and they routinely make policy decisions that lead to suffering and collapse. They are motivated to push policies based on virtue signaling and delusional myths (such as climate change) rather than the reality of sustainable living. They seek power at the expense of redundancy or decentralization, and in their quest for power, they subject all of civilization to disastrous consequences that are leading to cascading collapse. Much of this is deliberate. Some is inadvertent. But the results are the same: Disaster and chaos.

9) Humanity is suicidal and builds weapons of mass destruction that threaten not just themselves but the entire planetary ecosystem. Nuclear weapons are just one example. AI systems, similarly, pose an existential threat to the very existence of humankind. Humanity also builds and unleashes biological weapons — such as covid and covid “vaccines” — against fellow human beings, actively working to achieve global depopulation by any means necessary, including unleashing self-replicating bioweapons into the wild. These actions are catastrophic and will only lead to collapse of human civilization. Right now, we stand on the verge of global nuclear annihilation, and almost no one is speaking out against the insane, incompetent and power-crazed US government that is driving us to that annihilation scenario at full speed.

10) Humanity has lost all touch with reality on the subject of money and finance, leading to an inevitable global debt collapse that will plunge humanity into destitution and chaos. Somehow, world leaders have been brainwashed to believe that debt doesn’t matter and that literally endless money printing is sustainable and even healthy for an economy. Through their fiat currency counterfeiting (printing) operations, they sap the product of other people’s labor, leading to monumental waste of talent and the misallocation of resources, making survival exceedingly difficult for billions of human beings. While honest money would solve many of these problems, the global elite who control the banking cartels don’t want honest money. They want total domination over the world’s money, even if it means destroying human financial sustainability and resilience in the process. They want to maintain control even if they bring human civilization to its knees.

11) Humanity’s efforts to completely destroy planet Earth — through terraforming, mass agricultural poisoning, nuclear weapons testing, microplastics pollution and more — will sooner or later attract the attention of non-Earth civilizations that will decide to eradicate humans from the planet and claim it for themselves. That’s because Earth is a cosmic gem, rich with natural resources (such as rare elements and liquid water) that are valued throughout the universe. Earth has many other properties that make it ideal for almost any biological life form, and if humans are stupid enough to keep destroying the planet at such an alarming pace, sooner or later a more intelligent species will intervene and eradicate the “human plague.”

Some people believe this process has already begun, and that non-Earth entities might actually be guiding the terraforming operations under the guise of “climate change” to alter Earth’s atmosphere and make it inhospitable to the current biomass life forms that inhabit the planet (including human beings).

If humanity proves to be too stupid and self-destructive to manage planet Earth, after all, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that someone else is probably happy to take over and do a better job.

(Article by Mike Adams republished from Citizens.news )

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/eleven-signs-that-humanity-is-doomed.html

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