Байден направил Салливана и Нуланд убедить скептиков войны из БРИКС выступить против России

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Байден направил Салливана и Нуланд убедить скептиков войны из БРИКС выступить против России

At a moment President Zelensky has confessed that Ukraine's counteroffensive which was launched this month has been "slower than desired", President Biden's national security advisor Jake Sullivan is mounting a big push to convince "skeptics" from developing nations to become more firmly supportive of Kiev's war effort.

"Joe Biden’s top national security aide will fly to Denmark this weekend at the behest of Kyiv’s government for an unannounced meeting with representatives of several developing countries that have not condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine," Financial Times has reported.

Via Reuters

A planned Copenhagen meeting is expected to include large but 'neutral' countries like Brazil, India, and South Africa - the latter which has of late been accused of actively supporting Moscow.

Sullivan's initiative came at the request of the Ukrainian government, also as Russia's economy has been successfully weathering the storm of US/EU-led sanctions, in particular upping its energy exports to BRICS countries. 

As for the as yet unannounced list of likely attendees in Denmark, FT details based on its sources:

Officials from Turkey and possibly China could also attend. One of the people familiar with the plans said that, following the Ukrainian request, Washington has been encouraging China, India, Brazil, Turkey and South Africa to attend.

Sullivan will travel with Victoria Nuland, the number-three official at the US state department. A senior EU official will also participate.

BRICS countries have by and large been so quiet about the Russian invasion that they've even been accused of outright aiding and abetting Moscow's offensive. 

When discussing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's three-day visit to Washington this week, Sullivan told reporters, "We think this actually sends a message to the coalition and Ukraine that we’re working to advocate on their behalf with a broader range of countries than just those that show up around the table either in Nato . . . or at the G7."

It remains that the major economies of India, Brazil, China and South Africa have persisted in their refusal to cooperate with Western sanctions on Russia. In Beijing's case, it has actually directed more criticism at both NATO and the United States for "arrogance" and "imperialism".

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from Zerohedge.com)

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/biden-dispatches-sullivan-nuland-to.html

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