Затопленное древнее поселение Ла Мармотта: уникальные подводные находки

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Затопленное древнее поселение Ла Мармотта: уникальные подводные находки

Underwater archaeologists in Italy continue to explore the submerged ancient settlement of La Marmotta, located at the bottom of a lake in the municipality of Anguillara-Sabazia. Discovered in 1989, the site is still the subject of underwater excavations. The ruins of a city founded in the early Neolithic period on the shores of a large lake are located at a depth of 11 metres and about 300 metres from the shore.

For two decades, archaeologists have been gathering an unprecedented amount of information about the Neolithic and Bronze Age societies that lived there. More than a dozen structures have already been discovered at La Marmotte, as well as unique fabrics, wickerwork and ropes, and the tools used to make them.

One of the most interesting finds is the textile products made from plant fibres. These are surprisingly well preserved, even though they must have been rotting for more than two millennia. Careful examination with a binocular microscope revealed that the fabrics were made of linen. This was a very common material used by ancient cultures.

In addition, 43 fragments of wickerwork were brought to the surface and 28 fragments of cords and ropes were identified. The underwater archaeologists also found thousands of wooden piles and poles and the remains of at least 13 dwellings. These were of a regular rectangular shape, up to ten metres long and six metres wide. They had an internal partition and a central fireplace.

Why the La Marmotta settlement was abandoned, however, is still a mystery to scientists. "Whatever the reason, the inhabitants left behind all their possessions, including tools, cooking vessels and boats," the researchers write in their paper. "It was also found that numerous building elements and wooden objects had been burnt, similar to what has been observed in other flooded villages".

Future geomorphological studies may help to determine exactly what happened at the end of the period of settlement of this site. Overall, the finds from La Marmotta provide unique material for the study of ancient cultures and human life in the Neolithic and Bronze Age.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/06/the-submerged-ancient-settlement-of-la.html

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