Левитация - наука или мистика?

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Левитация - наука или мистика?

Levitation is one of the most mysterious phenomena that has attracted the attention of scientists and ordinary people since ancient times. There are many stories of people who are able to ascend into the air for no apparent reason. One of the most famous cases of levitation is the story of Simon Magus, who, according to legend, rose into the air in front of many people during a performance in Rome.

St. Joseph of Copertin (1603-1663) sometimes hovered a few feet above the ground, sometimes flew high in the air–in front of large crowds of people all over Italy. The process of ecclesiastical canonization involves in-depth research and, consequently, many written accounts, including 150 eyewitness accounts providing detailed information about Copertino’s levitation.

Copertino was even under house arrest in Rome at the same time as Galileo Galilei, though for very different reasons. One was a mystic, the other a driving force behind modern science, both of whom were treated with mistrust.

The Church could easily have called Copertino a heretic rather than a saint–it could have attributed his levitation to a symptom of devilish possession. He was put on trial. But the inquisitors were convinced that Copertino had no purpose in manifesting “the power of diabolical powers”; he was very modest, pious, and ashamed of his abilities.

He did not levitate intentionally. He levitated in a state of ecstasy. At certain moments during Mass, Copertino apparently became so excited that he entered an altered state of consciousness and began to levitate. He paid no attention to everything around him, though he caused quite a stir.

Although levitation is still a mystery to science, there are many theories to explain the phenomenon. One such theory is the theory of the Earth’s magnetic field. According to this theory, levitation can be caused by a change in the magnetic field near a person.

However, not all scientists agree with this theory. Some believe that levitation is related to a person’s mental abilities. They argue that the ability to levitate can be developed through meditation and other practices.

There is also the opinion that levitation can be caused by the Bose-Einstein effect. This effect is related to the behavior of atoms at extremely low temperatures. According to this theory, levitation can be caused by creating such conditions near a person.

Although levitation is still a mystery to science, there are many cases in which people claim to be able to levitate. One such person is Maria de Villarreal, who claims that she can levitate into the air for no apparent reason.

Many scientists believe that levitation is more than just a physical phenomenon. They claim that levitation is related to the spiritual aspects of life and can be used to reach higher states of consciousness.

Overall, levitation remains one of the most mysterious topics for science and society. Despite many theories and studies, it still remains an unsolved mystery.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/levitation-science-or-mysticism.html

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