Ирландия приняла закон, делающий НЕЗАКОННЫМ чтение неосновных источников новостей

Ирландия приняла закон, делающий НЕЗАКОННЫМ чтение неосновных источников новостей

Lawmakers in Ireland have passed a new law that will make it illegal for citizens to view or share any non-mainstream media content on their phones and computer devices.

Yes, really.

The new legislation means that anything viewed online that has been deemed “hateful” by fact-checkers will result in prison time for those who have viewed or shared it.

 Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Elon Musk weighed in on this fascist legislation.

The West lost its roots in Christianity – This is the replacement.

Here is the transcript of the legislation.

The bill passed in Ireland.

Of course, the bill does not define “hateful speech” and gives legal force to the latest definitions of gender. Any fluctuations can now result in prison time.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/ireland-passes-law-making-it-illegal-to.html

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