Судья Обама заставил школьный округ разрешить сатанистам обучать детей "сатанинским добродетелям

Судья Обама заставил школьный округ разрешить сатанистам обучать детей "сатанинским добродетелям

A federal judge has ruled that a Pennsylvania school district must allow Satan worshippers to visit schools and teach children about the so-called “virtues of Satanism” including self-expression, critical thinking, and problem solving.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) welcomed the ruling, declaring it a victory for both free speech and religious freedom. They expressed their support for schools being required to host clubs that honor Satan, while also advocating for limitations on schools’ ability to offer prayer.

“In a victory for free speech and religious freedom, a federal court has ruled that the Saucon Valley School District must allow the After School Satan Club to meet in district facilities,” the ACLU said.

In advocating for the use of school property for the convening of a Satanists club, the ACLU said that the school had to allow it under their policy of allowing groups to rent space. They said that there were many groups, including other religious groups, that were granted the ability to rent space. 

“The Satanic Temple (TST), which sponsors the [After School Satans Club], likewise applied to use school facilities after being contacted by a local parent who hoped to bring to the region a non-Christian religious club that would be safe and inclusive for their non-Christian children,” the ACLU said.

Satanists recently tore apart a Holy Bible at SatanCon, the largest Satanic gathering in the world. For a glimpse of what is set to take place in our children’s classrooms, watch this video:

The ACLU went on to claim that the programming undertaken in the name of Satan was “open to all students” and that it “promotes the Satanic virtues of benevolence, empathy, critical thinking, problem solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion.”

The ACLU further claimed that the “First Amendment prohibits the government from denying access to school facilities based on the objections or reactions of others to the club’s speech or religion. The letter notes that the reason cited for the district’s decision to rescind approval for TST’s application — that TST failed to make clear that the club is not sponsored by the district — is pretextual and discriminatory. Not only has TST included a disclaimer on its introductory letter to parents and permission slip, but other organizations using district facilities, including a Christian after-school club, have not done so and are still permitted to meet at district schools.”

“The district has now been ordered to allow the club to meet on three dates at Saucon Valley Middle School,” local news reports, after the ruling.

(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from thepeoplesvoice.tv)

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/obama-judge-forces-school-district-to.html

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