Тайны красноярских пирамид: открытие, исследование и загадки

NLO-MIR Мировые новости по-другому: Тайны красноярских пирамид: открытие, исследование и загадки

The Krasnoyarsk region is one of the most mysterious corners of Russia. There are not only unique natural objects, but also many archaeological finds, which still raise questions among scientists and researchers. One of the most interesting objects are the Krasnoyarsk pyramids – giant structures, which are still a mystery. Of course, science denies the fact of their existence and claims that they are allegedly just pyramid-shaped mountains.

Discovery of the Krasnoyarsk pyramids

First mention of the Krasnoyarsk pyramids has appeared in 1944. Then pilot V.A. Kulagin noticed strange geometric regular mountains on the ground near the town of Sayanogorsk. However, until the mid-1990s, no one paid attention to these objects.

In 1991, a group of researchers from Krasnoyarsk decided to study these mysterious structures. Their attention was attracted by the unusual geometric shapes of the mountains, which resembled pyramids, as well as the strange energy fields that were seen in the area of the pyramids. Researchers made the first measurements and found that the pyramids are 20 to 40 meters high and the base length is 80 to 220 meters.

Research of the Krasnoyarsk pyramids

In 1999, a group of scientists from the Institute of Physics of Krasnoyarsk scientific center of SB RAS started systematic research of the Krasnoyarsk pyramids. They used different methods of research, including GPR, magnetometer and others.

Scientists found that the pyramids were built of large blocks of granite and basalt. Some blocks weighed up to 20 tons. In addition, they found that the pyramids had a strange structure inside that resembled a labyrinth. Researchers also noticed that there are unusual energy fields in the area of the pyramids, which can affect people.

The mysteries of the Krasnoyarsk pyramids

Krasnoyarsk pyramids still remain a mystery. Nobody knows who and when built them and for what purpose. There is an opinion that the pyramids could be connected with the most ancient civilization which was on the territory of Siberia in ancient times.

Krasnoyarsk pyramids still haven’t got proper recognition from science. Is it surprising though? It would be strange if the science has recognized the fact of their existence. Only in this case, the history of Russia would have to be rewritten anew.

Krasnoyarsk pyramids may be linked with the oldest civilization, which was located on the territory of Siberia in the ancient times. An indirect fact confirming this theory is that many artifacts have been found in Siberia, which indicate a high level of development of ancient civilizations that existed on the territory of modern Russia.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/the-mysteries-of-krasnoyarsk-pyramids.html

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