6 погибших, десятки раненых после ослепительной пыльной бури в Иллинойсе, вызвавшей наезд 90 автомобилей

6 погибших, десятки раненых после ослепительной пыльной бури в Иллинойсе, вызвавшей наезд 90 автомобилей

Six people have died and more than 30 injured in a 90-vehicle pileup on Interstate 55 in Illinois that was blamed on a blinding dust storm. 

"The cause of the crash is due to excessive winds blowing dirt from farm fields across the highway leading to zero visibility," Illinois State Police Maj. Ryan Starrick told NBC News

S​tarrick said the stretch of the interstate would be closed until tomorrow because of the high number of crashed vehicles and casualties. 

N​athan Cormier was driving on the interstate and described what he saw to The Weather Channel:

"I saw the smoke cloud from a distance and I've driven through them before, you know, you put your hazards on, go slow ... And I moved to the left lane to get away out from behind a semi. And that's when I came across everything else stopped in the road."

Cormier described the scene as a "dust bowl."

Starrick said dust storms similar to this one sometimes occur across Illinois during the planting season. 

A total of ten helicopters were requested, with four on the scene. First responders requested 37 ambulances. 

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/05/6-dead-dozens-injured-after-blinding.html

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