Видео: Мишель Обама присоединилась к Брюсу Спрингстину на сцене, чтобы спеть бэк-вокал во время "Glory Days

Видео: Мишель Обама присоединилась к Брюсу Спрингстину на сцене, чтобы спеть бэк-вокал во время "Glory Days

Former First Lady Michelle Obama joined Bruce Springsteen for backup vocals at a concert in Barcelona, Spain last night.

The video below shows Obama hitting a tambourine and singing “Glory Days” on stage with Springsteen and the E Street Band.

She was joined by actress Kate Capshaw, director Steven Spielberg’s wife, and Bruce’s wife, Patti Scialfa.

Scialfa is a member of the E Street Band.

The three couples were spotted earlier dining out in Barcelona.

This comes as rapper Pras Michel was convicted of illegally funneling money to former President Barack Obama’s 2012 election campaign, as Slay News reported.

A Washington D.C. jury has determined that Obama received illegal campaign donations.

On Wednesday, rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, of the 1990s hip-hop group Fugees, was convicted on charges involving multi-million-dollar political conspiracies spanning two presidencies.

Michel was convicted after a trial that included testimony ranging from actor Leonardo DiCaprio to former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The former music star was funneling money from a now-fugitive Malaysian financer through straw donors to Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

He then attempted to squelch a Justice Department investigation and influence an extradition case on behalf of China under the Trump administration.

A federal court jury found him guilty of all charges, including conspiracy and acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government.

По материалам: http://www.planet-today.com/2023/04/video-michelle-obama-joins-bruce.html

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